Hey web surfers and cyberspace cowpokes! Do you have a Tandy Radio-Shack Color Computer system?
Prepare yourself to enter a new world of gaming with the new title "SNAYK.BAS" available for both 4K and
16K Color Computer or Color Computer 2 systems fitted with Color Basic or Extended Color Basic.
Type 'em in*, blast 'em into your cassette interface**, or load 'em into an emulator system such as
XRoar Online***.
**Connect black AUX connector from the Tandy system's cassette interface cable to the audio output on your PC and begin with a lower audio level. Type "CLOAD" on the Tandy system and then begin playback on PC. Adjust audio levels and check connection if unsuccessful.
***To use in XRoar Online, select "Run..." under the File tab and import the .BAS file. .wav files are supported in desktop emulators, but not XRoar Online.